For farmers who are dissatisfied with light duty spreaders, the Wet Lime Spreader is a machine that is built for spreading wet or damp agricultural lime. Unlike a fertilizer spreader, the Wet Lime Spreader has a 24 inch wide conveyor and steep, 53 degree side slopes and a 4” drop pan to prevent material bridging in the hopper.
The Wet Lime Spreader (WLS) is designed to pay for itself based on the difference between custom applied lime and spreading it yourself. Farmers typically back-haul lime from the quarry and dump it in the corner of a field for spreading at a later date. The lime does not need to be kept dry, and can sit for months until needed. The lime can then be spread when conditions are right instead of waiting in line for the custom applicator to come around.
The WLS spreaders are available in all PTO mechanically driven, plug to tractor hydraulics and PTO over hydraulics, whichever best suits your needs. Spread rates are determined by ground speed and rear metering gate height, and a constant ground speed is required to maintain a consistent spread rate.